The outside of Foodini and the non-removable parts inside Foodini should be washed by hand with a soft cloth or sponge.
To Clean the Capsules. Body, Nozzle, Tag & Press
Remove the capsules from the capsule holders. Unscrew the nozzles from the capsule bodies, remove the press. Wash parts separately. The capsule tags can be removed from the capsule body prior to washing if necessary.
Occasionally remove and clean the black ring from the capsule press if food accumulates. (This is similar to the silicone on a lid of a food container that needs to be removed at times for proper cleaning.) Do not place the black ring in the dishwasher when it is removed from the capsule press as it may lose its shape when not attached to the capsule press.
You may also want to use brushes that are for cleaning non-disposable straws to clean the rim of the nozzle press and nozzles.
To Clean Capsule Holders
Please note that you do not need to remove these from Foodini often; only when cleaning is necessary. Do not submerge in water. Take care when cleaning the orange cable.
To clean the outside of the capsule holders, use a soft cloth or sponge. To clean the inside, we recommend using a bottle brush. If that’s not available, use a soft cloth or sponge. Ensure that capsule holders are completely dry when placing in Foodini.
If you cannot clean a capsule holder to satisfaction
, contact us for assistance. As with any kitchen gear, it's best to clean sooner versus later so that food doesn't become stuck on surfaces.
To Clean the Arm
The capsule arm is not removable from Foodini. From the home screen, tap menu (

), tap Cleaning, and follow the directions on screen:
The Clean Position button moves the arm to the center of the machine providing easy access to the front and back of the arm. The door will open automatically once the arm is in place and prepared for cleaning. Clean the outside of the arm (without disassembling) using a soft cloth or sponge.
When done, shut the door and select "Done Cleaning" from the screen to put the arm back in the home position.
Cleaning Products
Do not use harsh or dangerous chemicals to clean Foodini. It's best to clean the non-removable parts of Foodini with a sponge or cloth that's damp but not saturated.
Unreachable Areas
The process of printing food is design to be a very clean system. However, things happen! If food gets below the rotating plate base or in any other hard-to-reach area,
contact us for assistance.