Advanced - General
Account Settings
Enter account settings via the menu ( ), and tap Settings. Forget Me That username, all associated prints and data are removed from that particular Foodini. Useful for if you are using a Foodini that is not yours: for example, you are a guest chef ...
Special Nozzle Height
Some people want to do certain Foodini prints using Nordson nozzles. Don't know what that is? Don't worry, it's not mandatory to use with Foodini. But for those who do want to use Nordson nozzles, read on to learn how to use them with Foodini. (See ...
Custom Printing Surface - Using Foodini to Manually Measure
You can print on top of another flat surface: another dish, a cookie, etc. Note that in all cases, the Foodini dish should always be in place when printing. Place your other surface on top of the Foodini dish. You can use Foodini to measure the ...