Importing SVG Files

Importing SVG Files

Importing SVGs

You can import SVG files in Foodini Creator. Foodini will faithfully follow the lines in the SVG file. 

Import your SVG file in a few easy steps:

1. Tap + Shape:

2. Tap Local Image:

Choose your SVG file:

4. Toggle Vector Mode ON:

That's it! You can assign your ingredients and fine-tune your print as usual.

Note that when using SVG files in Foodini Creator, your image in the dish gallery will not change color reflecting the ingredient color. However, you'll see on the right hand side where your thumbnail image is that a dot appears - signifying that an ingredient has been assigned:

Tips for Exporting SVGs from Illustrator

Open the AI or SVG file. Use Cmd+A and right click - click Export Selection:

Click on the settings icon to configure the export options:

Illustrator by default uses Responsive mode: that will create SVGs with a lot of space around them when imported into Foodini Creator - you do not want to do this. To remove this extra whitespace, make sure the Responsive tick box is disabled. Click Save Settings.

Select All Assets and Export. 

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